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Five top tips for raffle print and production optimisation

Optimising your raffle print and production

Raffles continue to be a strong and reliable fundraising stream for charities, particularly those with larger supporter databases featuring more mature donors. As a direct mail-led product, your raffle print and production represents a significant investment in your fundraising programme. That’s why it’s critical that your pack stands out on the doorstep and drives maximum response.

So, is your raffle pack performing at its best? Is it capturing attention, engaging supporters, and ultimately delivering the results you need?

At Woods Valldata, we have over 25 years of end-to-end charity raffle expertise. We work closely with our charity partners to refine their raffle print and production, ensuring that every pack is optimised for success.

Here are our top tips to enhance your raffle campaign:

1. Leverage Your Data

Your supporter data is the single most important factor in boosting your raffle’s responsiveness. Understanding the trends in your data—such as past engagement, donation levels, and preferred response methods—enables you to personalise and target your packs more effectively. The more relevant and tailored your pack is, the more likely it is to drive participation and increase income.

Woods Valldata have a dedicated and experienced Data Strategy and Insights team on hand to help you explore what's happening in your raffle programme and what we can do to help you better meet your objectives and raffle potential.

2. Know Your Audience

Why do your supporters take part in your raffle? Are they motivated by your charity’s cause, the excitement of winning, or the sense of community in something bigger? Identifying these key drivers ensures your pack resonates with both current and future players. Effective messaging and design can reinforce these motivations, making participation feel rewarding and meaningful.

Woods Valldata work with our raffle charity partners to identify their player motivations in a variety of ways, from profiling, to surveys through to strategic testing, we find the best approach for your raffle players. 

young woman in pink long sleeved top with arms outstrethced catching confetti against an orange background

3. Celebrate the Joy

A raffle is more than just a fundraising tool—it’s an opportunity to share the successes of your charity’s mission. Supporters want to feel part of something bigger. Highlight the impact their participation has on your cause, and balance this with the excitement of a potential win. A well-structured pack will evoke positive emotions and inspire action.

Woods Valldata in-house creative team work with you to achieve creative stand-out that works for your charity supporters as well as the raffle product - getting better initial response rates and second gifts! We know raffle back to front, and although we know what works well - each charity is different so we ensure the creative aligns to your charity and your supporters.

4. Keep It Fresh

While consistency is key for brand recognition, adding variety to your raffle packs keeps things interesting. Experiment with creative designs, formats, and sizes to maintain engagement. Small adjustments—such as a different pack orientation or new imagery—can make a big difference while still ensuring familiarity for your core players.

Woods Valldata raffle print and production can accommodate a wider variety of pack sizes and contents to keep things interesting for your supporters, all produced on site at Woods Valldata HQ so we have control over the production of your raffle.

5. Ensure Seamless Connectivity

In today’s digital world, your raffle should be as easy as possible to enter, whether via post or online. Ensuring clear instructions and providing multiple response options—such as QR codes linking to online entry forms—can significantly improve response rates. The more accessible your raffle is, the greater the participation.

Woods Valldata know the most successful raffle programmes align print and digital. We can create an raffle microsite to complement your raffle packs and make sure there's sign-posting within the pack to encourage online play - saving players hassle and you money.

Why Choose Woods Valldata?

When it comes to raffle print and production, Woods Valldata is the trusted partner for UK charities. Our in-house creative team, strategic fundraising expertise, and state-of-the-art printing and digital capabilities allow us to offer tailored, high-quality solutions at competitive prices.

If you’re looking to optimise your raffle and maximise your return on investment, we’re here to help. Contact us today for a quote and see how our services compare!


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