Our Business Continuity service: helping charities weather the storm

Coronavirus has hit the UK hard, impacting each and every one of us. As a result, many charities need urgent assistance with their fundraising processes.

Faced with office closures and a shift to remote working setups, charities are looking for swift and dependable DR support to help manage donations and keep them coming in.

As a leading fundraising services provider, it’s Woods Valldata’s job to provide as much support as possible to the charities we work with, where we can.

This blog outlines how our business continuity services can help charities manage donations and supporter communications, should their offices be partially or fully closed.

We are offering over 30 UK charities Business Continuity Services which include:

1) Response Handling – new extended services

Every penny matters. You need your response handling to be timely, efficient, and secure, but you may be struggling to achieve this while working remotely.

We can orchestrate a smooth transition of response services on your behalf and have extended our services to include the handling of appeal (donation) type responses and non-financial responses.

Our services include:

 Direct Debit management
• Appeals response handling (including emergency campaign processing)
• Non-financial response handling
• Lottery/raffle type responses (even when not normally handled by us)
• Ad hoc scanning
• Full postal redirection and management of post

We can receive, open, scan, bank, capture, and export the responses into your current system. You can use us for part of this process or the entire process.

We can even handle a full postal redirection to include the opening and scanning of all post, images of which can then be viewed online or sent to you.

After taking just a few simple steps to redirect your mail, we can ensure we’re managing all responses quickly and efficiently.

2) Direct Debit Management

The impact of coronavirus has made collecting, managing, and monitoring donations increasingly difficult.

Woods Valldata is a BACS-approved bureau. Our fully-managed charity direct debit services are end-to-end, and can include:

• New supporter DD set-up
• Maintaining active DDIs on your behalf
• Payment holidays

3) Call Handling

Maintaining your lines of communication with sponsors who are committed to your cause is key. We can set up and handle calls on your behalf, remotely.

Our services include:

• Inbound call handling and supporter care queries
• Donation processing or administrative changes logged into our secure on-line portal
• Appeal call handling
• Satellite offices or main office call handling for fully closed or partially closed offices

4) Print and Mailing

We can manage all of the print production and mailing of complex appeal campaigns, including:

• Bespoke supporter thankyou letters
• Complex Personalisation
• Raffle ticket printing and outbound mailing of raffle campaigns
• Fulfilment mailings
• Emergency mailings

Let us help

A significant challenge lies ahead for the charity sector. As our valued clients, we want you to know this: you’re not alone. We’re here to help.

Our processes are effective, secure, and simple to set up, designed to keep donations coming in for your charity, no matter what.

We’ve adapted our working setup, implementing government-approved safeguarding measures throughout our offices and enabling staff to work remotely, so we’re ready to hit the ground running on your behalf. To read more about our approach, please read CEO Ian Scarr’s statement.

If you would like to talk to us about how we can help in this difficult time, please call on 01249 653444 or drop us an email.


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