woods valldata

The best possible supporter experience

When you outsource your fundraising services, how can you ensure your supporter experience remains the very best it can be?

In this blog Woods Valldata takes you through advice direct from their in-house charity experts.

Productive partnerships

When you outsource your fundraising services find a company who will work in partnership with you rather than as a transactional relationship. As a result they will share your passion and feel your successes. They will go above and beyond to make your supporters feel valued.

“Good things are better shared,” says Angela Davis, Head of Projects & Campaign Operations at Woods Valldata, “That’s why our friendly experts work closely and proactively with our charity partners to share knowledge and experience.”

“We work as an extension of your team. We develop, grow and continuously improve your programme – always delivering more. We get to know you and your charity so campaigns are set-up quickly, efficiently and without fuss. We make strategic and tactical recommendations that drive efficiencies and help you achieve your fundraising ambitions.”

people in office environment lookiing at a report in a meeting

Strategic innovation

You want your fundraising programmes to continue to inspire your supporters and the communications they receive to provide them with the best possible experience. You need a partner that will lead the way with strategy and insight.

“We use our extensive expertise in data strategy and the wealth of insight available to us to drive continuous improvement, benefitting our charity partners and the wider fundraising community,” explains Helen Daw, Head of Data Strategy and Insights at Woods Valldata.

“Because we have extensive experience of the marketplace working with over one hundred charities, we have access to insight that makes a real difference,” she continues. “We know the sector is constantly changing, and your supporters’ expectations are changing too. We’re here as your strategic partner to drive innovation, meet your evolving needs and make your programmes fly higher than ever.”

End-to-end service well delivered

Multiple suppliers at multiple points in your programme can cause hold-ups and disconnect – leading to delays and issues with supporter communications. When you work with one trusted and reliable fundraising partner you know that your supporters will get the best possible experience.

“Partnering across multiple services at Woods Valldata saves you time, money and hassle. Why manage multiple suppliers when you can benefit from our full service with all the associated economies of scale?” says Louise Harden, Head of Operations at Woods Valldata.

“When you outsource, you’re outsourcing your charity’s reputation. And we completely understand that. Compliance is at the heart of everything we do, so you can trust us to manage your programmes with the utmost care, professionalism and integrity, ultimately protecting your supporters.”

“The right mix of automated processes and human intervention across our print, production, response handling, payment processing and fulfilment services increases accuracy, saving time and money. Getting it right not only keeps data safe, it makes life easier and makes the supporter experience positive.”

four young professional people in an office environment high fiving

At Woods Valldata, we’re here for you, there for your supporters.

We offer charities an unparalleled spectrum of outsourced fundraising services including raffle, lottery, response handling, banking and fulfilment. Everything is managed in-house, with our own people and processes, technical capabilities and breadth of expertise so you know the service you get is the best it can be.

We work in partnership with you to deliver the best programme for everyone – with the closest support, expert guidance and strategic advice to drive efficiencies and growth. Plus, we focus on doing things right operationally – compliant, fast, accurate, cost effective - to achieve the results for you and your supporters. We aim to surprise and delight – raising expectations and finding new ways to engage and strengthen support.

Whatever you want when you outsource your cross-channel fundraising programmes – insight, strategy and innovation driving growth, or reliable processes and continuous improvements delivering faster and more accurate banking, thanking and fulfilment - we make your supporters feel appreciated and elevate your ability to achieve more.

The result is happier, engaged, loyal supporters who feel more valued. And increased income, greater ROI and ongoing growth for your fundraising programmes.

We're your Partners in Possibility

Want to find out more? Let’s talk: charities@woodsvalldata.co.uk

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